University of California, San Diego
Department of History in Verbindung mit dem
Department of Political Science
Fachliches Profil:
Moderne deutsche Geschichte – Deutschland/Europa in der Welt, insbesondere
mit den Schwerpunkten: internationale and transnationale Geschichte, Migration,
Imperialismus und Kolonialismus, Globalisierung, kultureller Austausch, Minoritäten
und Postkolonialismus; Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft – deutsche, französische
und britische Politik; demokratische Institutionen and politische Parteien; internationale Beziehungen – europäische Integration, Europa und die Welt
Fünf Kurse pro Jahr nach dem Quarter-System (mindestens 1 Kurs im Graduiertenbereich, bis zu 4 Kurse im Undergraduate-Bereich). Die inhaltliche Gestaltung hängt von den wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkten des/der Kandidaten/in ab
Aktive Mitarbeit bei Planung und Organisation kulturpolitischer Aktivitäten der
Gasthochschule zur Vermittlung eines zeitgemäßen Deutschlandbildes
Abgeschlossene Promotion; einschlägige wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen;
mehrjährige Lehrerfahrung; sehr gute Englischkenntnisse; Staatsangehörigkeit eines
EU-Mitgliedsstaats; Bewerber/innen sollen während der letzten beiden Jahre vor der
Bewerbung ihren Lebensmittelpunkt in Deutschland gehabt haben
Beginn: September 2023
Dauer: Besetzung zunächst für die Dauer von zwei Jahren, mit Verlängerungsmöglichkeit
Die Beschreibung der jeweiligen Position formuliert die Gasthochschule im DAAD Professorship Questionnaire wie folgt:
a) Length of initial appointment, renewability:
Initial appointment: 2 years. Renewability upon positive evaluation for up to 5 years.
b) Status of the appointee (assistant guest professor, associate guest professor, guest professor):
Visiting Associate or Visiting Professor
c) Disciplinary field and areas of specialization and sub-specialization preferred:
– Modern German History – Germany/Europe in the World
– Possible Sub-Specializations: International and Transnational History, Migration, Imperialism and Colonialism, Globalization, Cultural Exchanges, Minorities and Postcolonialism
– Comparative Politics – German politics, French politics, British politics
– Democratic institutions and political parties
– International Relations – European integration, Europe and the world
d) Desired qualifications of the DAAD Professor:
Ph.D. and academic publications. Teaching experience. Proficiency in English. Experience with or willingness to adjust to American academic system.
e) What is the regular course load the DAAD Professor will be expected to carry per academic year?
Five courses over three quarters. Four Courses in History, one in Political Science.
f) To what extent will research focus and academic specialization of the DAAD Professor be given
weight in designing course topics? To what extent will the DAAD Professor be expected to teach within an established curriculum? What are likely course topics to be assigned to the DAAD Professor?
The DAAD professor should be capable of teaching some core courses in the curriculum, such as, for example, a course on Modern German History and a course in Political Science on German/European politics. Otherwise, the DAAD professor is free to design his/her own courses based on his/her own academic specialization. The DAAD professor will be exempt from lower division teaching, unless s/he desires to teach in one of these sequences (World History, Humanities etc.).
g) Will courses taught by the DAAD Professor be eligible for cross-listing with other units of the host institution?
UCSD generally discourages cross-listing. But courses taught by the DAAD Professor are likely to be counted for several majors and minors regardless of whether they are cross-listed or not.
h) Ratio and level of graduate and undergraduate courses the DAAD Professor will be expected to
Out of the five-course load, the DAAD professor will be expected to teach at least one
colloquium/seminar for graduate students in the History Department. We also expect that the DAAD professor will play an active role in advising Ph.D. students in German history and German Studies.
i) Estimated number of students expected to enroll in the courses taught by the DAAD Professor:
Enrollments might vary depending on specific courses. A course on Modern German History can have enrollments of more than 100 students. A course in European integration or German politics usually has enrollments of about 80-120 students. Other upper-division courses might have an enrollment of 20-60 students in History and about 40-100 in Political Science. Combined undergraduate/graduate seminars have an enrollment of up to 25 students, graduate seminar can have an enrollment of fewer than 10 students. In courses with more than 50 students, the DAAD professor will have the support of a teaching assistant or reader who will assist with the grading of exams and papers.
j) Additional duties and activities expected of the DAAD Professor within and outside the university (e.g., local and regional outreach activities, fostering of a more productive relationship with German institutions and the German scholarly community):
We expect the DAAD professor to play an active role in organizing events related to Germany and Europe. We also hope that s/he will support ongoing efforts to foster ties with German academia and German organizations, including the German Historical Institute, the Goethe Institute, and the German Embassy.